General Information
Packet sniffer is a feature that catches all the data travelling over the network, that it is able to get (when using switched network, a computer may catch only the data addressed to it or is forwarded through it).
Packages required: system
License required: Level1
Submenu level: /tool sniffer
Standards and Technologies: none
Hardware usage: Not significant
It allows you to "sniff" (listen and record) packets going through the router (and any other traffic that gets to the router, when there is no switching in the network) and view them using specific software.
Packet Sniffer Configuration
Submenu level: /tool sniffer
Property Description
file-limit (integer; default: 10) - the limit of the file in KB. Sniffer will stop after this limit is reached
file-name (text; default: "") - the name of the file where the sniffed packets will be saved to
filter-address1 (IP address/netmask:port; default: - criterion of choosing the packets to process
filter-address2 (IP address/netmask:port; default: - criterion of choosing the packets to process
filter-protocol (all-frames | ip-only | mac-only-no-ip; default: ip-only) - specific protocol group to filterall-frames - sniff all packets
ip-only - sniff IP packets only
mac-only-no-ip - sniff non-IP packets only
all-frames - sniff all packets
ip-only - sniff IP packets only
mac-only-no-ip - sniff non-IP packets only
filter-stream (yes | no; default: yes) - whether to ignore sniffed packets that are destined to the stream server
interface (name | all; default: all) - the name of the interface that receives the packets
memory-limit (integer; default: 10) - maximum amount of memory to use. Sniffer will stop after this limit is reached
only-headers (yes | no; default: no) - whether to save in the memory packets' headers only (not the whole packet)
running (read-only: yes | no; default: no) - if the sniffer is started then the value is yes otherwise no
streaming-enabled (yes | no; default: no) - whether to send sniffed packets to a remote server
streaming-server (IP address; default: - Tazmen Sniffer Protocol (TZSP) stream receiver
filter-address1 and filter-address2 are used to specify the two participients in communication (i.e. they will match only in the case if one of them matches the source address and the other one matches the destination address of a packet). These properties are taken in account only if filter-protocol is ip-only.
Not only Wireshark (ex-Ethereal, and Packetyzer ( can receive the sniffer's stream but also MikroTik's program trafr ( that runs on any IA32 Linux computer and saves received packets libpcap file format.
In the following example streaming-server will be added, streaming will be enabled, file-name will be set to test and packet sniffer will be started and stopped after some time:
[admin@MikroTik] tool sniffer>set streaming-server= \
\... streaming-enabled=yes file-name=test
[admin@MikroTik] tool sniffer> prin
interface: all
only-headers: no
memory-limit: 10
file-name: "test"
file-limit: 10
streaming-enabled: yes
filter-stream: yes
filter-protocol: ip-only
running: no
[admin@MikroTik] tool sniffer>start
[admin@MikroTik] tool sniffer>stop
Running Packet Sniffer
Command name: /tool sniffer start, /tool sniffer stop, /tool sniffer save
The commands are used to control runtime operation of the packet sniffer. The start command is used to start/reset sniffering, stop - stops sniffering. To save currently sniffed packets in a specific file save command is used.
In the following example the packet sniffer will be started and after some time - stopped:
[admin@MikroTik] tool sniffer> start
[admin@MikroTik] tool sniffer> stop
Below the sniffed packets will be saved in the file named test:
[admin@MikroTik] tool sniffer> save file-name=test
[admin@MikroTik] tool sniffer> /file print
0 test unknown 1350 apr/07/2003 16:01:52
[admin@MikroTik] tool sniffer>
Sniffed Packets
Submenu level: /tool sniffer packet
The submenu allows to see the list of sniffed packets.
Property Description
data (read-only: text) - specified data inclusion in packets
dst-address (read-only: IP address) - destination IP address
dst-mac-address (MAC address) - destination MAC address
fragment-offset (read-only: integer) - IP fragment offset
identification (read-only: integer) - IP identification
interface (read-only: name) - name of the interface the packet has been captured on
ip-header-size (read-only: integer) - the size of IP header
ip-packet-size (read-only: integer) - the size of IP packet
ip-protocol (ip | icmp | igmp | ggp | ipencap | st | tcp | egp | pup | udp | hmp | xns-idp | rdp | iso-tp4 | xtp | ddp | idrp-cmtp | gre | esp | ah | rspf | vmtp | ospf | ipip | encap) - the name/number of IP protocolip - Internet Protocol
icmp - Internet Control Message Protocol
igmp - Internet Group Management Protocol
ggp - Gateway-Gateway Protocol
ipencap - IP Encapsulated in IP
st - st datagram mode
tcp - Transmission Control Protocol
egp - Exterior Gateway Protocol
pup - Parc Universal packet Protocol
udp - User Datagram Protocol
hmp - Host Monitoring Protocol
xns-idp - Xerox ns idp
rdp - Reliable Datagram Protocol
iso-tp4 - ISO Transport Protocol class 4
xtp - Xpress Transfer Protocol
ddp - Datagram Delivery Protocol
idpr-cmtp - idpr Control Message Transport
gre - General Routing Encapsulation
esp - IPsec ESP protocol
ah - IPsec AH protocol
rspf - Radio Shortest Path First
vmtp - Versatile Message Transport Protocol
ospf - Open Shortest Path First
ipip - IP encapsulation (protocol 4)
encap - IP encapsulation (protocol 98)
ip - Internet Protocol
icmp - Internet Control Message Protocol
igmp - Internet Group Management Protocol
ggp - Gateway-Gateway Protocol
ipencap - IP Encapsulated in IP
st - st datagram mode
tcp - Transmission Control Protocol
egp - Exterior Gateway Protocol
pup - Parc Universal packet Protocol
udp - User Datagram Protocol
hmp - Host Monitoring Protocol
xns-idp - Xerox ns idp
rdp - Reliable Datagram Protocol
iso-tp4 - ISO Transport Protocol class 4
xtp - Xpress Transfer Protocol
ddp - Datagram Delivery Protocol
idpr-cmtp - idpr Control Message Transport
gre - General Routing Encapsulation
esp - IPsec ESP protocol
ah - IPsec AH protocol
rspf - Radio Shortest Path First
vmtp - Versatile Message Transport Protocol
ospf - Open Shortest Path First
ipip - IP encapsulation (protocol 4)
encap - IP encapsulation (protocol 98)
protocol (read-only: ip | arp | rarp | ipx | ipv6) - the name/number of ethernet protocolip - Internet Protocol
arp - Address Resolution Protocol
rarp - Reverse Address Resolution Protocol
ipx - Internet Packet exchange protocol
ipv6 - Internet Protocol next generation
ip - Internet Protocol
arp - Address Resolution Protocol
rarp - Reverse Address Resolution Protocol
ipx - Internet Packet exchange protocol
ipv6 - Internet Protocol next generation
size (read-only: integer) - size of packet
src-address (IP address) - source address
src-mac-address (MAC address) - source MAC address
time (read-only: time) - time when packet arrived
tos (read-only: integer) - IP Type Of Service
ttl (read-only: integer) - IP Time To Live
In the example below it's seen, how to get the list of sniffed packets:
[admin@MikroTik] tool sniffer packet> print
0 0.12 ether1 (telnet) tcp 46
1 0.12 ether1 (telnet) tcp 40
2 0.12 ether1 (telnet) tcp 78
3 0.292 ether1 gre 88
4 0.32 ether1 (telnet) tcp 40
5 0.744 ether1 (ssh) tcp 76
6 0.744 ether1 (ssh) tcp 76
7 0.744 ether1 (ssh) tcp 40
8 0.744 ether1 (ssh) tcp 76
[admin@MikroTik] tool sniffer packet>
Packet Sniffer Protocols
Submenu level: /tool sniffer protocol
In this submenu you can see all kind of protocols that have been sniffed.
Property Description
bytes (integer) - total number of data bytes
ip-protocol (ip | icmp | igmp | ggp | ipencap | st | tcp | egp | pup | udp | hmp | xns-idp | rdp | iso-tp4 | xtp | ddp | idrp-cmtp | gre | esp | ah | rspf | vmtp | ospf | ipip | encap) - the name/number of IP protocolip - Internet Protocol
icmp - Internet Control Message Protocol
igmp - Internet Group Management Protocol
ggp - Gateway-Gateway Protocol
ipencap - IP Encapsulated in IP
st - st datagram mode
tcp - Transmission Control Protocol
egp - Exterior Gateway Protocol
pup - Parc Universal packet Protocol
udp - User Datagram Protocol
hmp - Host Monitoring Protocol
xns-idp - Xerox ns idp
rdp - Reliable Datagram Protocol
iso-tp4 - ISO Transport Protocol class 4
xtp - Xpress Transfer Protocol
ddp - Datagram Delivery Protocol
idpr-cmtp - idpr Control Message Transport
gre - General Routing Encapsulation
esp - IPsec ESP protocol
ah - IPsec AH protocol
rspf - Radio Shortest Path First
vmtp - Versatile Message Transport Protocol
ospf - Open Shortest Path First
ipip - IP encapsulation
encap - IP encapsulation
ip - Internet Protocol
icmp - Internet Control Message Protocol
igmp - Internet Group Management Protocol
ggp - Gateway-Gateway Protocol
ipencap - IP Encapsulated in IP
st - st datagram mode
tcp - Transmission Control Protocol
egp - Exterior Gateway Protocol
pup - Parc Universal packet Protocol
udp - User Datagram Protocol
hmp - Host Monitoring Protocol
xns-idp - Xerox ns idp
rdp - Reliable Datagram Protocol
iso-tp4 - ISO Transport Protocol class 4
xtp - Xpress Transfer Protocol
ddp - Datagram Delivery Protocol
idpr-cmtp - idpr Control Message Transport
gre - General Routing Encapsulation
esp - IPsec ESP protocol
ah - IPsec AH protocol
rspf - Radio Shortest Path First
vmtp - Versatile Message Transport Protocol
ospf - Open Shortest Path First
ipip - IP encapsulation
encap - IP encapsulation
packets (integer) - the number of packets
port (name) - the port of TCP/UDP protocol
protocol (read-only: ip | arp | rarp | ipx | ipv6) - the name/number of ethernet protocolip - Internet Protocol
arp - Address Resolution Protocol
rarp - Reverse Address Resolution Protocol
ipx - Internet Packet exchange protocol
ipv6 - Internet Protocol next generation
ip - Internet Protocol
arp - Address Resolution Protocol
rarp - Reverse Address Resolution Protocol
ipx - Internet Packet exchange protocol
ipv6 - Internet Protocol next generation
share (integer) - specific type of traffic share compared to all traffic in bytes
[admin@MikroTik] tool sniffer protocol> print
0 ip 77 4592 100 %
1 ip tcp 74 4328 94.25 %
2 ip gre 3 264 5.74 %
3 ip tcp 22 (ssh) 49 3220 70.12 %
4 ip tcp 23 (telnet) 25 1108 24.12 %
[admin@MikroTik] tool sniffer protocol>
Packet Sniffer Host
Submenu level: /tool sniffer host
The submenu shows the list of hosts that were participating in data excange you've sniffed.
Property Description
address (read-only: IP address) - IP address of the host
peek-rate (read-only: integer/integer) - the maximum data-rate received/transmitted
rate (read-only: integer/integer) - current data-rate received/transmitted
total (read-only: integer/integer) - total packets received/transmitted
In the following example we'll see the list of hosts:
[admin@MikroTik] tool sniffer host> print
0 0bps/0bps 704bps/0bps 264/0
1 0bps/0bps 6.24kbps/12.2kbps 1092/2128
2 0bps/0bps 12.2kbps/6.24kbps 2994/1598
3 0bps/0bps 1.31kbps/4.85kbps 242/866
[admin@MikroTik] tool sniffer host>
Packet Sniffer Connections
Submenu level: /tool sniffer connection
Here you can get a list of the connections that have been watched during the sniffing time.
Property Description
active (read-only: yes | no) - if yes the find active connections
bytes (read-only: integer/integer) - bytes in the current connection
dst-address (read-only: IP address) - destination address
mss (read-only: integer/integer) - Maximum Segment Size
resends (read-only: integer/integer) - the number of packets resends in the current connection
src-address (read-only: IP address) - source address
The example shows how to get the list of connections:
[admin@MikroTik] tool sniffer connection> print
Flags: A - active
0 A (telnet) 6/42 60/0 0/0
1 A (ssh) 504/252 504/0 0/0
[admin@MikroTik] tool sniffer connection>
Sniff MAC Address
You can also see the source and destination MAC Addresses. To do so, at first stop the sniffer if it is running, and select a specific interface:
[admin@MikroTik] tool sniffer> stop
[admin@MikroTik] tool sniffer> set interface=bridge1
[admin@MikroTik] tool sniffer> start
[admin@MikroTik] tool sniffer> print
interface: bridge1
only-headers: no
memory-limit: 10
file-limit: 10
streaming-enabled: no
filter-stream: yes
filter-protocol: ip-only
running: yes
[admin@MikroTik] tool sniffer>
Now you have the source and destination MAC Addresses:
[admin@MikroTik] tool sniffer packet> print detail
0 time=0 src-mac-address=00:0C:42:03:02:C7 dst-mac-address=00:30:4F:08:3A:E7
interface=bridge1 src-address=
dst-address= (winbox-tls) protocol=ip ip-protocol=tcp
size=146 ip-packet-size=146 ip-header-size=20 tos=0 identification=5088
fragment-offset=0 ttl=126
1 time=0 src-mac-address=00:30:4F:08:3A:E7 dst-mac-address=00:0C:42:03:02:C7
interface=bridge1 src-address= (winbox-tls)
dst-address= protocol=ip ip-protocol=tcp size=253
ip-packet-size=253 ip-header-size=20 tos=0 identification=41744
fragment-offset=0 ttl=64
2 time=0.071 src-mac-address=00:0C:42:03:02:C7
dst-mac-address=00:30:4F:08:3A:E7 interface=bridge1
src-address= dst-address= (winbox-tls)
protocol=ip ip-protocol=tcp size=40 ip-packet-size=40 ip-header-size=20
tos=0 identification=5089 fragment-offset=0 ttl=126
3 time=0.071 src-mac-address=00:30:4F:08:3A:E7
dst-mac-address=00:0C:42:03:02:C7 interface=bridge1
src-address= (winbox-tls) dst-address=
protocol=ip ip-protocol=tcp size=213 ip-packet-size=213 ip-header-size=20
tos=0 identification=41745 fragment-offset=0 ttl=64
-- [Q quit|D dump|down]
Selasa, 08 April 2008
Packet Sniffer
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